
ai image creator: coffee in tea

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8:02:18 AM
how to increase photo resolution - a cup of coffee with a spoon on a saucer on a table with a spoon in it and a spoon in the cup, by Tintoretto
how to increase photo resolution - a cup of coffee with a spoon on a saucer on a table with a spoon in it and a spoon in the cup, by Tintoretto
Dotaz: coffee in teaVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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AI Text: a cup of coffee with a spoon

A young woman sits at her desk, staring intently into space as she sips from her mug of steaming hot coffee. The sunlight streams through the window behind her, casting a warm glow over her face. She takes another sip before setting down the mug and reaching for a teabag.

With practiced ease, she pours boiling water onto the bag until it's fully immersed. After waiting a few seconds, she removes the bag and places it back into its container. Finally, she adds sugar to taste and returns the lid to the jar.

As she settles back into her chair, she smiles contentedly - satisfied by both beverages.

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