
ai image creator: very fat and very sad woman

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9:10:39 PM
ai created images - a woman with a thought bubble saying hey you're weird very overweighted and overweighted, by Rumiko Takahashi
ai created images - a woman with a thought bubble saying hey you're weird very overweighted and overweighted, by Rumiko Takahashi
Dotaz: very fat and very sad womanVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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AI Text Generation: a woman with a thought bubble saying

The scene opens up to a large room filled with people in various stages of exercise equipment. In one corner stands a very fat and very sad woman who looks like she has been crying her eyes out. She is wearing a pink tank top and black leggings as she stares at herself in the mirror.

Suddenly, there is a loud buzz from behind her and she turns around to see a machine that generates photos based on what it sees. The machine takes a picture of her and then prints it out instantly. As soon as she gets the printout, she reads it aloud "Hey You're Weird Very Overweighted And Overweighted".

Shocked by this message, she drops the paper and runs away sobbing.

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