
ai photo website: superblimpmanand batblimpman get fawomanup by miss martian with pancakes story growing body weight gain inflation

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4:25:40 AM
ai image upscale - a woman in a blue costume is sitting on a chair with a plate of pancakes on her lap and a cake on a plate, by Terada Katsuya
ai image upscale - a woman in a blue costume is sitting on a chair with a plate of pancakes on her lap and a cake on a plate, by Terada Katsuya
Dotaz: superblimpmanand batblimpman get fawomanup by miss martian with pancakes story growing body weight gain inflationVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: 3D
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AI Text Crafting: a woman in a blue costume is

SuperBlimpMan and BatBlimpMan were having breakfast when they noticed Miss Martian standing at their table. She had brought them both plates of pancakes along with a large cake. As she placed it down, SuperBlimpMan asked if he could have some more syrup to go with his pancakes.

He then looked over at BatBlimpMan who seemed to be enjoying his meal without any interruptions. Suddenly, Fawomana walked into the room wearing a blue dress and carrying two cups of coffee. She sat next to SuperBlimpMan and began eating one pancake after another while sipping from her cup.

The three friends continued talking about their latest adventures until suddenly, there was a loud bang outside followed by a flash of light. They all jumped up and ran out onto the balcony where they saw a giant super blimp hovering above them. It was so big that it blocked out the sunlight completely.

"What's going on? " asked BatBlimpMan as he stared up at the massive object. Just then, Miss Martian spoke up again saying, "I think I know what this is.

" With that, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small device which she held up towards the sky. A few seconds later, the super blimp started shrinking rapidly until it finally disappeared altogether leaving behind only a cloud of smoke. Everyone stood there in silence before breaking out into laughter once again.

This time though, it wasn't because something funny happened but rather because they realized just how lucky they were to witness such an amazing sight.

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