
ai that create images: a smiling man, with a bird on his head. eugene montgomery

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4:08:49 PM
make image higher resolution - a black and white drawing of a man with a bird on his head and a bird on his shoulder, by Osamu Tezuka
make image higher resolution - a black and white drawing of a man with a bird on his head and a bird on his shoulder, by Osamu Tezuka
Dotaz: a smiling man, with a bird on his head. eugene montgomeryVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: AnimeStyl: Kreslený filmStyl: RetroStyl: DisneyStyl: FuturistickýStyl: Kresba tužkou
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AI for Text Writing: a black and white drawing of a

Eugene Montgomery had always been fascinated by birds since he was young. He loved to spend hours watching them fly around in their natural habitat. One day while walking through the park, Eugene came across a small bird perched on top of a tree branch.

The bird seemed to be staring at him intently as if it were trying to communicate something. Eugene couldn't help but smile back at the little creature. As he continued to walk, he noticed another bird sitting on his shoulder.

It was a beautiful blue parrot with bright red feathers. Eugene felt like this must have been some kind of sign from above. He decided to take a picture of himself holding both birds together using his phone camera.

When he uploaded the image onto social media later that night, everyone who saw it was amazed by how unique and special it looked. Some even suggested that Eugene should start a petting zoo where people could come and interact with these incredible creatures up close!

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