
convert pic: superblimpman with 100 cakes for luthorcorp growing body weight gain inflation story too much cakes

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12:30:42 PM
turn picture online - a cartoon character holding a cake on a plate with a caption that reads, ool, the fat guy, by Akira Toriyama
turn picture online - a cartoon character holding a cake on a plate with a caption that reads, ool, the fat guy, by Akira Toriyama
Dotaz: superblimpman with 100 cakes for luthorcorp growing body weight gain inflation story too much cakesVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Anime
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AI Text Editor: a cartoon character holding a cake on

SuperBlimpMan had been working hard to lose weight and keep his figure in shape. But one day he received a call from LuthorCorp offering him a job as their new spokesperson. They wanted him to promote their latest product - a delicious cake made of pure sugar!

SuperBlimpMan couldn't resist the temptation and agreed to take up this offer. He started eating these cakes everyday without any restrictions. His waistline grew bigger by the day and soon he became known as "The Fat Guy".

The company executives were thrilled at how well they could market their products through SuperBlimpMan's image. However, things took a turn when people began to notice his increasing girth and started making fun of him online. This led to a lot of negative publicity which affected sales negatively.

To make matters worse, SuperBlimpMan's health suffered greatly due to all the excessive consumption of sweets. Finally, after months of struggling with his weight issues, SuperBlimpMan decided to quit his job and focus on getting back into shape again.

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