
increase resolution of image: goblin goblin

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5:52:06 AM
text image generator ai - a cartoon of a green creature sitting on a suitcase with two smaller green creatures in the background, with a castle in the background, by Antonio J. Manzanedo
text image generator ai - a cartoon of a green creature sitting on a suitcase with two smaller green creatures in the background, with a castle in the background, by Antonio J. Manzanedo
Dotaz: goblin goblinVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Image to Text AI Converter: a cartoon of a green creature sitting

The scene opens up to reveal a small village nestled deep within a forest. The sun has just set and the air is filled with the sound of crickets chirping as they begin their nightly song. A young woman named Sarah walks through the streets carrying her belongings in a large suitcase.

She looks around at all the houses and shops lining the street before coming across one particular building. It's a quaint little shop with a sign reading "Goblin Goblin". Curious about what could be inside such a strange name, she decides to step inside.

As soon as she enters, she finds herself surrounded by hundreds of tiny green creatures scurrying around everywhere. They seem to be working hard, but it's not clear exactly what they are doing. Suddenly, a voice calls out from behind her.

"Welcome! I am Goblin Goblin. " He introduces himself as the owner of this unusual store.

Sarah can't help but feel intrigued by these little creatures. She asks him if he sells anything else besides them. To which he replies, "Oh yes, we have many other items here too!

" He then proceeds to show her some of his wares - everything from jewelry made from real gold to potions that promise eternal youth. But none of those things catch her eye quite like the ones she saw earlier. "What do you think?

" he asks her when she doesn't make any purchases right away. "I don't know," she says hesitantly. "They look...

different than most people I know. " He smiles and nods understandingly. "That's because they aren't 'most people'.

These are goblins, and they live underground where no humans go. We trade with them regularly so that they may get supplies they need above ground. " She stares at him blankly for a moment before asking, "So why would anyone want something like that?

Aren't they dangerous? " Without missing a beat, he responds, "Of course not! In fact, they're very helpful.

Just ask our customers who come back time after time looking for more. " At first glance, Sarah isn't sure whether to believe him or not. After all, how could someone possibly trust a bunch of creatures living underground?

But there's something about the way he speaks that makes her curious enough to take a chance. So she takes a deep breath and steps forward into the unknown.

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