
photo converter: picture of a smiling bear. Jillian Tamaki

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best ai text to image generator - a girl with long hair and a bow tie in her ears, wearing a school uniform and a bow tie, by Chen Daofu
Dotaz: picture of a smiling bear. Jillian TamakiVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: AnimeStyl: DisneyStyl: Kresba tužkou
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AI Text Crafting: a girl with long hair and a

Jillian Tamaki, a student at St. John's School, had just finished her first day back after summer break when she noticed something strange about one of her classmates - a small brown bear sitting next to him! The bear seemed friendly enough, but it wasn't until later that night when Jillian realized what happened.

She woke up from a dream where she saw herself running through a forest chased by a pack of wolves. When she looked out her window, there were no wolves around, only the bear who had been watching over her all along. It turns out that the bear was actually sent by the principal as part of his new initiative to make students feel more comfortable during their time at school.

From then on, Jillian felt like she could finally relax and enjoy her education without fearing for her safety.

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