
photo enhancer: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair

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12:34:03 AM
image from text ai - a man with a wolf face and a leather jacket on his shoulders and a necklace on his neck, with a wolf's head and yellow eyes, by Bakemono Zukushi
image from text ai - a man with a wolf face and a leather jacket on his shoulders and a necklace on his neck, with a wolf's head and yellow eyes, by Bakemono Zukushi
Dotaz: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hairVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Realistické
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Intelligent Image to Text Conversion: a man with a wolf face and

The werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair was walking down the street when he saw something in the distance. He quickly ran towards it to find out what it was. As he got closer, he realized it was a small puppy lying helplessly on the ground.

The werewolf guy picked up the pup and took him home where he nursed him back to health. As time passed by, the pup grew into a full-grown wolf who became very attached to its owner. They would spend hours playing together and exploring new places.

One day, they came across a group of hunters who had trapped some animals. Without hesitation, the wolf jumped right into the trap and saved all the animals from being killed. This act of bravery earned the wolf fame among the locals as "the heroic wolf".

People started coming to see this amazing creature and take pictures with him. Soon enough, there was even talk about making him a mascot for the town. But despite all the attention, the wolf remained humble and continued to live life to the fullest alongside his best friend - the werewolf guy.

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