
turn photo to 4k: create a picture of a black-haired, blue-eyed man with a dirty body being bullied. create a picture with dark anime nuances

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3:50:30 PM
ai image genorator - a man with blue eyes and black hair holding a cigarette in his hand and a cigarette in his other hand, by Takeshi Obata
ai image genorator - a man with blue eyes and black hair holding a cigarette in his hand and a cigarette in his other hand, by Takeshi Obata
Dotaz: create a picture of a black-haired, blue-eyed man with a dirty body being bullied. create a picture with dark anime nuancesVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: RealistickéStyl: AnimeStyl: Pen&Ink
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AI-powered Text Synthesis: a man with blue eyes and black

The scene opens up to reveal a young man sitting alone on a park bench. He has long, jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes. His clothes are torn and stained from years of neglect.

The sun beats down harshly as he sits there, seemingly oblivious to everything around him. Suddenly, two men approach him - one tall and muscular while the other shorter but just as intimidating. They begin to taunt him, calling him names like "freak" and "loser.

" As they continue their verbal assault, the younger man stands up and begins to fight back. However, it's clear that he doesn't stand a chance against these larger opponents. With each punch thrown, blood splatters across the pavement below them.

Finally, after what seems like hours of brutality, the taller man lands a final blow that sends the smaller man flying into the air before crashing onto the ground. The crowd gathers around, watching silently as the defeated boy lays motionless on the concrete. It's only then that we realize this isn't real at all; it's simply a photograph created by artificial intelligence software designed to simulate human behavior.

But despite its uncanny resemblance to reality, something about this image feels off...

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