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11:53:27 AM
4k quality photo converter - a woman in a futuristic suit with headphones on her ears and a futuristic helmet on her shoulders, standing in a stadium, by Leiji Matsumoto
4k quality photo converter - a woman in a futuristic suit with headphones on her ears and a futuristic helmet on her shoulders, standing in a stadium, by Leiji Matsumoto
Abfrage: aiBildgröße: 512x512Kacheln: abwesendProbenahmetechniken: Euler a
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AI for Natural Language Generation: a woman in a futuristic suit with

The year is 2030, and technology has advanced to such heights that it can now generate images of people based on their preferences. This image shows a young woman named Jane who works as a journalist at one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world. She's wearing a sleek black suit with matching heels and a pair of stylish sunglasses.

Her hair is tied back into a ponytail, and she's sporting a pair of futuristic earbuds connected to a smartphone tucked away inside her jacket pocket. Jane is attending a press conference held by the CEO of a major tech company. The company has just unveiled its latest product - a virtual reality system that allows users to experience life through someone else's eyes.

As Jane listens intently to what the CEO has to say, she notices something strange about his appearance. He looks like a man from another era, dressed in a classic business suit complete with a tie and cufflinks. But there's something different about him too - his skin appears almost translucent, and his eyes are glowing brightly behind his glasses.

As the meeting comes to a close, Jane approaches the CEO and asks if she may interview him afterward. "Of course," he replies, gesturing toward the empty seat next to him. They sit down together, and Jane begins asking questions about the new VR system.

The CEO explains how it works and why it's so revolutionary. Then, without warning, he reaches out and touches Jane's shoulder. His hand passes right through hers, leaving only a slight chill in its wake.

"What did you do? " Jane exclaims, startled. "I wanted to show you what it feels like to be truly immersive," the CEO says with a smile.

"Now, let me tell you more about our new product. " And thus began Jane's journey into the future, where technology had taken over every aspect of human existence. From the moment she stepped onto the stage, she knew that this would be a defining moment in history.

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