
4k foto: a beautiful black woman in white hair. she is warlock in a leather armor. she holdstaff. a old town in the background.

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11:10:16 PM
change image resolution online - a woman in a white and black outfit standing on a brick walkway in front of a cityscape, by François Quesnel
change image resolution online - a woman in a white and black outfit standing on a brick walkway in front of a cityscape, by François Quesnel
Abfrage: a beautiful black woman in white hair. she is warlock in a leather armor. she holdstaff. a old town in the background.Bildgröße: 512x512Kacheln: abwesendProbenahmetechniken: Euler aStil: Realistisch
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AI for Text Writing: a woman in a white and black

The scene opens up to reveal a stunning young witch named Lily, dressed in all white except her long dark locks which flow freely down her back. She stands tall and proud as she holds onto a staff made from oak wood, its carvings intricate and detailed. The sun shines brightly overhead, casting a warm glow over everything around her.

In the distance, one can see the outline of a large building, perhaps a castle or cathedral, rising high above the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. Lily takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, focusing intently on what lies ahead. Suddenly, a portal appears before her, opening into another dimension where time flows differently than it does here.

With a flicker of magic, she steps through the portal and finds herself transported to a different world entirely. As she explores this new realm, she comes across a small village nestled among rolling hills and lush greenery. It's clear that these people have been living here for generations, their homes built from stone and timber, their crops tended by hand.

But something seems amiss - there are no children playing outside, no laughter echoing throughout the streets. Instead, everyone looks solemn and serious, as if they know something terrible is about to happen. Suddenly, a group of armed men appear at the edge of the village, marching towards them with weapons drawn.

They shout threats and insults, but Lily remains calm and focused, knowing exactly how to handle such situations. As the soldiers approach, she summons forth a powerful spell, causing a massive explosion that sends debris flying everywhere. The attackers fall to the ground, defeated and disoriented.

With the threat eliminated, Lily turns her attention to the villagers who now gather around her, curious yet hesitant. "I come bearing good tidings," she says, gesturing towards the portal behind her. "You may pass safely through this way, and find yourselves in a land far away.

" One by one, the villagers step forward, each taking a turn stepping through the portal until finally, only one man remains. He approaches slowly, his gaze fixed firmly upon Lily. "Why should we trust you?

" he asks, his voice trembling slightly. "Because I am not like those others," replies Lily, motioning towards the fallen soldiers. "I seek only to help those in need, regardless of race or creed.

And because I believe in the power of hope and faith. " The man nods, seemingly convinced. He steps through the portal without hesitation, disappearing into thin air.

A moment later, the portal disappears too, leaving nothing but silence and stillness in its wake. And so ends our tale of a brave and determined witch, whose actions saved countless lives and changed the course of history forevermore.

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