
free photo enhancer online: fat dude, dye hair fail, crying with the word Lilia pixar style

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3:43:16 AM
ai text to image - a fat man with purple hair and a blue shirt is standing in front of a gray background with a green and purple paint drip, by Pixar Concept Artists
ai text to image - a fat man with purple hair and a blue shirt is standing in front of a gray background with a green and purple paint drip, by Pixar Concept Artists
Abfrage: fat dude, dye hair fail, crying with the word Lilia pixar styleBildgröße: 512x512Kacheln: abwesendProbenahmetechniken: Euler a
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Neural Network Text Generation: a fat man with purple hair and

The picture shows a sad looking man named John who has just had his hair dyed bright purple by mistake. He looks like he's about to burst into tears as he stares at himself in the mirror. The color clashes horribly with his pale skin tone and makes him look even fatter than usual.

John is devastated because this wasn't supposed to happen. His friend convinced him to try out some new colors for their upcoming party but it all went wrong when they mixed them together. Now, instead of being the life of the party, he'll be the laughing stock.

As if things couldn't get any worse, John notices something else - there are two small children pointing and giggling behind him. They must have seen what happened too! Poor John can't believe how embarrassing this whole situation is turning out to be.

But wait... what's that? A familiar face appears from around the corner.

It's none other than his best friend, Sarah. She rushes over to comfort him and tells him she loves him no matter what. With her support, John finally feels better again.

After all, friends don't let friends go through this alone.

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