
1080p photo: 2 older woman big

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11:57:36 PM
enhance image quality - two women are standing next to each other with their faces close together, one of them has her eyes closed, by Raphaelle Peale
enhance image quality - two women are standing next to each other with their faces close together, one of them has her eyes closed, by Raphaelle Peale
Búsqueda: 2 older woman bigTamaño de la imagen: 512x512Alicatado: ausenteTécnicas de muestreo: Euler aEstilo: Realista
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AI Content Writing: two women are standing next to each

The scene opens in a small town library where two elderly ladies sit side by side at a table. One lady, who appears to be in her late sixties, wears a blue sweater and jeans while the other, whose age cannot be determined due to her face being covered by a scarf, sports a black dress and matching heels. The younger lady's eyes remain shut as she listens intently to what the older lady is saying.

"I just can't believe it," says the older lady, shaking her head in disbelief. "It seems like only yesterday when I first met your mother. " The younger lady nods in agreement before continuing.

"She was such a kind soul, always willing to lend a helping hand whenever needed. She taught me so much about life during our time together. " As they continue talking, the younger lady begins to tear up, causing the older lady to reach out and place a comforting hand upon hers.

"Don't worry, dear," she says softly. "Your mom would want you to remember all the good times you shared together. " Suddenly, there's a loud bang from outside the window, startling both ladies.

They look up to see a man dressed in a trench coat running towards the door. Before either of them have a chance to react, however, the man bursts through the glass and into the room. He grabs hold of the younger lady and drags her away, leaving behind a trail of blood.

In shock, the older lady rushes over to help but finds herself unable to move. Her legs feel weak and heavy, making it difficult to stand upright. As she struggles against this feeling, she notices something strange - her body is beginning to change shape, becoming more and more distorted until finally, she transforms completely into a monsterous creature.

With no choice left but to follow after the fleeing figure, she takes off after him, leaving behind the remains of her humanity forever.

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