
ai created pictures: A man with white and bright blue eyes, attractive and cold with a black suit and a black shirt and pale skin and the background

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1:26:05 PM
ai text to image - a man in a suit standing next to a car in a city at night with neon lights on the buildings, by Lois van Baarle
ai text to image - a man in a suit standing next to a car in a city at night with neon lights on the buildings, by Lois van Baarle
Búsqueda: A man with white and bright blue eyes, attractive and cold with a black suit and a black shirt and pale skin and the background of the city at night, hands in his pants pockets and a big figure.Tamaño de la imagen: 512x512Alicatado: ausenteTécnicas de muestreo: Euler aEstilo: CinematográficoEstilo: Ciberpunk
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Text Creation with Artificial Intelligence: a man in a suit standing next

The scene opens up as we see a tall, handsome man dressed in a sharp black suit and tie walking down a busy street in the heart of New York City. His name is John Smith, but he goes by "J" to those who know him best. As J walks past the bustling crowds, he can't help but feel like he doesn't belong here.

He feels out of place among all these people rushing around him, trying to get somewhere important. But then something catches his eye - a sleek black sports car parked just ahead. It looks brand new, and it seems to be waiting for someone special.

Suddenly, J realizes that this could be his chance to make a splash in the world. With a quick glance over his shoulder, he makes sure no one is watching before sprinting towards the car. The door unlocks automatically as soon as he approaches, and he slides into the leather seat.

A voice from behind the wheel greets him warmly. "Hello there, Mr. Smith," says the driver.

"I hope you don't mind me calling you 'Mr. ' I'm afraid my name isn't really necessary. " J smiles politely.

"Of course not! Please call me whatever you want. And thank you so much for picking me up.

This is quite an honor. " The driver nods. "It certainly is.

We have some very exciting plans for tonight, if you're ready? " J nods eagerly. "Absolutely!

" The driver turns back to face the road, and they begin driving through the streets of Manhattan. They pass skyscrapers lit up against the dark skyline, and J can't help but marvel at how beautiful everything looks. Finally, after what seems like hours, they arrive at their destination - a luxurious penthouse suite high above the city.

Inside, the room is lavishly decorated with expensive furniture and artwork. There are even two glasses of champagne chilling on ice beside each chair. "Welcome to your home away from home, Mr.

Smith," says the driver. "We hope you enjoy yourself tonight. " J grins.

"Oh, I will. Thank you again for bringing me here. " The driver bows slightly and leaves them alone.

Now that they're finally alone together, J takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh. He's never felt more alive than he does right now. Tonight, anything is possible...

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