
convert to image: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair

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12:53:12 AM
high resolution image - a wolf in a suit and tie with blue hair and a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie, by Bakemono Zukushi
high resolution image - a wolf in a suit and tie with blue hair and a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie, by Bakemono Zukushi
Búsqueda: werewolf guy with dog ears and short hairTamaño de la imagen: 512x512Alicatado: ausenteTécnicas de muestreo: Euler aEstilo: Disney
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AI for Text Writing: a wolf in a suit and tie

The werewolf guy with dog ears and short hair was sitting at his desk, working diligently on a project when suddenly he heard a knock on the door. He got up from his chair to answer it but before he could open the door, there was a loud bark coming from outside. The werewolf looked out of the window and saw a large brown dog standing next to him.

It had long fur and sharp teeth, just like its owner. "Hey there," said the werewolf as he opened the door. "I'm glad you came by.

" The dog jumped into the room and ran over to the werewolf, who petted it gently. As they sat down together, the werewolf explained how he had been feeling lately - lonely and isolated. His job kept him busy all day, leaving little time for socializing.

But now, thanks to this new friend, things would be different. As they talked, the werewolf realized something important about himself. He wasn't alone after all; he had someone special to share his life with.

And so began their journey together, filled with adventure and love.

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