
image ai generator: fat woman with gun

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11:28:23 PM
ai image upscale - a fat woman holding a gun and a gun in her hand, while wearing a blue shirt and white pants, by Botero
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Image to Text Machine Learning: a fat woman holding a gun and

The scene opens up to a busy street corner where a large group of people are gathered around a young man who has just been shot dead by a mysterious assailant. The crowd is screaming and shouting as they try to make sense of what happened. Suddenly, a loud bang rings out from behind them and everyone turns to see a tall, muscular figure standing there with a huge grin on his face.

He holds two guns in each hand and looks like he's ready to shoot anyone who dares challenge him. As the crowd gasps at this sight, one brave soul steps forward and asks "Who are you? " without fear.

To which the stranger replies, "I am the future. " With that, he fires both weapons into the air before turning away and disappearing into thin air. Shocked beyond belief, the crowd stumbles backward in disbelief.

Someone yells out "What did he mean? What does it all mean? " Another person responds, "He said he's the future!

That means everything will change! " And so begins the rumors about the strange new character known only as 'the Future'. People start talking about how he can do anything - from stopping wars to curing diseases.

But no one knows if any of these stories are true...

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