
image convert: A magician's women with long silver hair and eyes. She is wearing a purple metallic pant suit, shirtless, long black jacket and

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2:53:54 PM
how to increase resolution of image - a woman dressed in a purple outfit holding a sword and a crystal ball in her hand and a mountain in the background, by Terada Katsuya
how to increase resolution of image - a woman dressed in a purple outfit holding a sword and a crystal ball in her hand and a mountain in the background, by Terada Katsuya
Búsqueda: A magician's women with long silver hair and eyes. She is wearing a purple metallic pant suit, shirtless, long black jacket and beautiful magician hat. She prepare a fireball sword. And she have a magician's staff with crystal ornement and dragon. There is forest and mountain in background.Tamaño de la imagen: 512x512Alicatado: ausenteTécnicas de muestreo: Euler aEstilo: Realista
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Text Generation using AI: a woman dressed in a purple outfit

The scene opens up to reveal a stunning young witch standing before us, clad in a purple metallic pantsuit, a bare chest, and a long black leather coat. Her jet-black hair cascades down past her shoulders as she holds a flaming sword aloft. The blade glows brightly against the dark backdrop of the mountains behind her.

As our camera zooms in closer, we see that this powerful sorceress has a crystal orb in one hand and a wand made from a strange green stone in the other. With each movement of her hands, sparks fly off the tip of the sword, creating a mesmerizing display of magic. Suddenly, the witch begins to chant in a language unknown to us, causing the air around her to crackle with electricity.

As if by some unseen force, the ground beneath her feet begins to tremble, sending rocks tumbling down into the valley below. Without warning, the witch raises both arms high above her head, pointing them towards the heavens like two giant lightning rods. A deafening boom echoes through the mountainside, followed by a brilliant flash of light so intense it blinds us momentarily.

When we regain our sight, all that remains are smoldering embers where once stood the towering peaks. Incredulous at what just happened, we turn away from the devastation and look upon the witch herself. But there is no trace left of her - only a faint trail of smoke rising from the charred earth.

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