
image downscaler: fat woman with gun

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11:27:22 PM
ai image creator from text - a woman holding guns and a gun in her hand, with a gun in her other hand, and another gun in her other hand, by Hiromu Arakawa
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Natural Language Processing AI: a woman holding guns and a gun

The scene opens up to a room filled with smoke and chaos as a group of men storm into it, each armed with weapons. The leader of this gang, who goes by the name "Big Mama", takes center stage and demands everyone's attention. She points at one particular person in the crowd - a fat woman wearing a red dress and wielding two pistols.

Big Mama orders her to step forward and take aim at anyone who dares to oppose them. As she does so, the rest of the gang members begin firing their own weapons wildly around the room, creating even more havoc. Bullets fly everywhere, hitting walls and people alike.

In the midst of all this madness, the fat woman calmly loads both of her pistols before taking careful aim at any potential targets. Her eyes are cold and calculating, as if she has been waiting for this moment for years. Suddenly, there is a loud bang from outside the building they have taken over.

It sounds like someone has set off a bomb. The gang members immediately scatter, leaving behind the fat woman who continues to stand firmly in place, still pointing her guns towards anything that moves. In the ensuing confusion, several members of the gang get caught in crossfire and fall victim to the bullets flying through the air.

One man tries to flee but gets shot down just outside the doorway. Another member of the gang attempts to drag him away, only to be gunned down himself. Meanwhile, the fat woman remains unwavering in her stance, never once flinching despite being surrounded by death and destruction.

Finally, after what seems like hours, the shooting stops and silence falls upon the room. Everyone present knows that things will never be the same again.

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