
pic converter: disney cinderella, wet blonde hair, wet plump, wet blue ballgown, wet long white elbow length gloves, swimming in forest pool

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9:11:06 AM
ai image generator online - a woman in a blue dress sitting on a rock in a river with a waterfall in the background and a waterfall in the background, by Amandine Van Ray
ai image generator online - a woman in a blue dress sitting on a rock in a river with a waterfall in the background and a waterfall in the background, by Amandine Van Ray
Búsqueda: disney cinderella, wet blonde hair, wet plump, wet blue ballgown, wet long white elbow length gloves, swimming in forest poolTamaño de la imagen: 512x512Alicatado: ausenteTécnicas de muestreo: Euler aEstilo: Realista
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Smart Text Generation: a woman in a blue dress sitting

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Cindy who had everything she could ever want - except true love. She spent her days dreaming of meeting someone special to share her life with but never found anyone who could capture her heart. One day, while walking through the woods near her castle, she came across a magical spring where she felt refreshed and renewed.

As she sat by its edge, she noticed something shimmering beneath the surface of the water. It looked like a golden slipper! Curious, she dipped her hand into the water and pulled out the slipper.

To her amazement, it fit perfectly onto her foot! Suddenly, a voice called out from behind some nearby trees, "Cindy, I've been waiting for you! " The prince had finally arrived!

They fell madly in love and were married soon afterward. And they lived happily ever after...

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