
ai complete image: mermaid, pale skin, rectangular face, black eyes, black hair, in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed

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10:20:28 PM
inch to pixel converter - a woman in a black dress sitting on a table in the water with a black background and a reflection of her body, by Bella Kotak
inch to pixel converter - a woman in a black dress sitting on a table in the water with a black background and a reflection of her body, by Bella Kotak
Pertanyaan: mermaid, pale skin, rectangular face, black eyes, black hair, in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed and her head tilted, black flowers emerge from black puddles, gothic, dark,Mengingatkan Negatif: hat, poorly drawn hands, out of frame, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, obese, unfit body, deformed, disfigured, blurryUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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Machine Learning for Text Creation: a woman in a black dress sitting

Once upon a time, there lived a mermaid named Ariel who had beautiful pale skin, a rectangular face, and long black hair. She loved to explore the depths of the ocean and often found herself surrounded by black puddles filled with black flowers. One day, she came across a mysterious photographer who offered to take her picture.

The photographer asked if he could use his magic wand to create a unique backdrop for their shoot. He waved it over the surface of the water and suddenly, a black dress appeared out of nowhere! Ariel couldn't believe her luck as she slipped into the elegant garment.

As they posed together, the photographer captured stunning images of them against the black background. When the session ended, Ariel thanked him profusely and swam away happily. Little did she know that this would be one of the most memorable shoots ever taken underwater...

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