
ai generated image: clear shattered mirror or window/ gl

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7:32:42 AM
advanced ai image generator - a broken window with a green background and a broken glass window frame with a broken window pane on it, by Raphaelle Peale
advanced ai image generator - a broken window with a green background and a broken glass window frame with a broken window pane on it, by Raphaelle Peale
Pertanyaan: clear shattered mirror or window/ glMengingatkan Negatif: people, person, animals, flowers, dark, woodUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Lukisan Minyak
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AI Text Generation Software: a broken window with a green background

A young woman named Sarah woke up one morning to find her bedroom in complete disarray. The room looked like someone had gone through everything, leaving nothing untouched. She walked over to the window and noticed that there was a large crack running across the entirety of the glass.

It seemed as if something heavy had fallen from above and landed directly onto the windowpane. Sarah's heart sank at this sight. She knew she would have to call the repairman immediately before anything else happened.

But first, she wanted to take some pictures of what had transpired so she could show him exactly how bad things were. She grabbed her phone and snapped several photos of the damage. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice just how beautiful the sunlight streaming into the room made the scene look.

There was a soft glow emanating from behind the broken pieces of glass, creating a surreal atmosphere. As she continued taking pictures, she realized that the lighting was perfect for capturing the intricate details of the shards scattered around the floor. Each piece reflected different colors depending on where they fell within the room - some bright reds, others deep blues and greens.

It wasn't long before the repairman arrived. He took one look at the mess and shook his head in disbelief. "This will cost you," he said sternly.

"But don't worry; I can fix it. " With that, he got right to work, carefully removing each fragment until all that remained was a clean slate. Once the job was done, Sarah stood back and admired her newly repaired window.

She smiled to herself, knowing that even though the incident had been stressful, she now had a unique photograph to add to her collection.

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