
ai high resolution: Beauty blonde nurse with curvaceous body and huge booty, She Is making love with a patient, smoking a cigarette

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12:38:35 PM
ai image maker - a woman in a uniform smoking a cigarette and looking at the camera with a cigarette in her mouth and a cigarette in her mouth, by Sailor Moon
ai image maker - a woman in a uniform smoking a cigarette and looking at the camera with a cigarette in her mouth and a cigarette in her mouth, by Sailor Moon
Pertanyaan: Beauty blonde nurse with curvaceous body and huge booty, She Is making love with a patient, smoking a cigaretteMengingatkan Negatif: Ugly, fat, deformed, Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Realistis
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Image to Text Conversion AI: a woman in a uniform smoking a

The scene opens up to a hospital room where a beautiful young nurse named Sarah is tending to a male patient who has just been admitted after suffering from a severe injury. As she tends to his wounds, he begins to stir awake and looks over at her with a smile. Sarah quickly realizes that this man must be feeling better as he reaches out towards her and grabs hold of her hand.

He then pulls her closer to him and kisses her passionately before pulling away slightly. As they continue their embrace, Sarah can't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. The way he looks into her eyes makes it clear that he wants more than just a simple kiss - he wants something deeper.

Without saying anything, Sarah knows exactly what he means and slowly starts to unbutton his shirt while he does the same to hers. Their bodies are pressed together tightly as they begin to explore each other's every curve and crevice. It doesn't take long until both of them reach climax simultaneously, leaving them breathless and exhausted.

But even though they have just had sex, neither one seems ready to let go yet. They stay locked in each other's arms for several minutes before finally breaking apart. As they sit there staring into each other's eyes, Sarah can't help but wonder if this will become a regular occurrence between them now that he's recovering well enough to leave the hospital soon.

Either way, tonight was definitely worth remembering forever!

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