
ai image modifier: dark-skinned evil queen

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12:01:35 PM
image generator from text - a woman with a crown on her head and a star on her chest, wearing a black dress and a crown, by Daniela Uhlig
image generator from text - a woman with a crown on her head and a star on her chest, wearing a black dress and a crown, by Daniela Uhlig
Pertanyaan: dark-skinned evil queenUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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AI-powered Copywriting: a woman with a crown on her

Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a dark-skinned evil queen who ruled over all with an iron fist. She had a reputation of being cruel and ruthless to those who dared cross her path. Her subjects feared her so much that they trembled at even just the mention of her name.

One day, she decided to hold a contest where anyone could submit their photos for a chance to be featured as the cover page of her kingdom's official magazine. The only requirement was that it must depict her majesty looking regal and powerful. The competition drew hundreds of entries from across the world.

However, none were able to capture the true essence of the queen until one photographer submitted his work. It showed a woman with a crown on her head and a star on her chest, wearing a black dress and a crown. When the queen saw this image, she knew immediately that it was perfect.

She ordered her staff to print thousands of copies of the magazine featuring the picture and distributed them throughout the kingdom. Everyone marveled at how beautifully the queen looked in the photo. As days passed by, people began to whisper about the mysterious photographer behind such a stunning piece of artwork.

They wondered if he would ever reveal himself but no one dared ask him directly. Finally, after months of speculation, the photographer came forward and revealed himself to be a young man named John Smith. He explained that he had been inspired by the queen's beauty and wanted to pay tribute to her through his photography skills.

From then onwards, John became famous not just within the kingdom but also beyond its borders. His talent earned him numerous awards and recognition, making him one of the most sought-after photographers in the industry today. And every year, when the queen holds another contest, everyone waits eagerly to see what new masterpiece will emerge from John's camera lens.

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