
ai powered photo editor: A magician's men with long silver hair and eyes. A long beard. He is wearing a purple metallic pant suit, shirtless, long black

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2:39:37 PM
lower res - a man in a purple cape holding a wand and a purple hat on his head and a purple robe on his body, by David LaChapelle
lower res - a man in a purple cape holding a wand and a purple hat on his head and a purple robe on his body, by David LaChapelle
Pertanyaan: A magician's men with long silver hair and eyes. A long beard. He is wearing a purple metallic pant suit, shirtless, long black jacket and beautiful maagician hat. He prepare a fireball sword. And he have a magician's staff with crystal ornement and dragon. There is forest and mountain in background.Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Realistis
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Automated Image to Text Conversion: a man in a purple cape holding

The magician stood before the audience, ready to perform a spellbinding act of magic. His long silver hair flowed down over his shoulders as he held up a large crystal ball. The crowd gasped in anticipation as they watched him slowly rotate it around, causing sparkling lights to dance across its surface.

Suddenly, the room darkened and a deep voice boomed out from nowhere, "I summon thee! " With those words, the magician reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial filled with a mysterious liquid. As he poured it onto the ground, a bright light flashed and suddenly there were two identical images of himself standing side by side.

One wore a purple metallic pantsuit while the other had a long black jacket and no top at all. Both wielded swords made of flames, but only one would survive this battle. They began to circle each other warily, their weapons clashing together with a loud ringing sound.

Finally, after several minutes of intense combat, the victor emerged triumphantly - the magician who wore the purple metallic pantsuit!

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