
ai tool to create images: wearing saint seiya bright round crystal armor. dark eyes marco reviews, long hair tom cruise lookalike full body hanging out in

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6:52:14 AM
1080p to 4k converter picture - a man in a costume standing in a plaza in front of a building with a google logo on it, by Sailor Moon
1080p to 4k converter picture - a man in a costume standing in a plaza in front of a building with a google logo on it, by Sailor Moon
Pertanyaan: wearing saint seiya bright round crystal armor. dark eyes marco reviews, long hair tom cruise lookalike full body hanging out in front of the google buildingUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: SihirGaya: Cyberpunk
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AI-powered Text Synthesis: a man in a costume standing in

The scene opens up to a busy street corner where a group of people are gathered around a man dressed in shining armor. The crowd seems mesmerized by his presence as he stands tall and proud before them. His face is hidden behind a mask but one can tell from his stance that this warrior has seen many battles.

He holds himself with confidence and grace, almost like a statue. As the camera pans back, we see that the man is actually standing outside Google headquarters. A large sign reads "Google" above him, making it clear who he represents.

This warrior is here to protect the company's secrets and keep its employees safe. Suddenly, a woman approaches the warrior and asks if she can take a picture with him. She looks excited and eager to share her experience online.

The warrior nods and poses for the shot, showing off his impressive armor. As they exchange pleasantries, another person walks over and asks what kind of technology powers these suits. The warrior smiles and explains that each suit is made using advanced materials that allow wearers to harness their inner power.

They also have special features such as energy shielding and enhanced sensory capabilities. Just then, someone else comes running towards the group shouting about a security breach at the nearby Apple store. The warriors quickly spring into action, leaving the curious onlooker behind.

We cut to a closeup of the warrior's hand as he activates some sort of device, which emanates a powerful blue light. Within seconds, all traces of the intruder are gone, and peace returns to the area. The warrior turns to the crowd and bows respectfully, thanking everyone for their cooperation.

Then, he disappears into thin air, leaving only a trail of smoke behind him.

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