
ai upscaler: Black jacket man and red blouse, with jeans and white tennis. Jamini Roy

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4:04:51 PM
high quality pictures online - a man in a red jacket and white sneakers sitting on a floor with his hands on his knees and his right hand on his hip, by Chen Daofu
high quality pictures online - a man in a red jacket and white sneakers sitting on a floor with his hands on his knees and his right hand on his hip, by Chen Daofu
Pertanyaan: Black jacket man and red blouse, with jeans and white tennis. Jamini RoyUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: AnimeGaya: Retro
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Neural Network Text Generation: a man in a red jacket and

The scene opens up to a brightly lit room where a young woman named Jamini Roy can be seen seated on the ground with her head bowed low. She wears a black jacket over a red shirt and blue denim pants as she leans against one of the walls. Her face is hidden behind long hair which falls down past her shoulders.

In front of her stands a tall figure dressed in all white from top to bottom - it's none other than the famous artist himself! He holds out his hand towards her while smiling warmly at her before taking off his hat revealing short brown curls adorning his forehead. "Hello there," he says cheerfully as if they had known each other forever.

"I hope you don't mind me interrupting your work but I wanted to show you something really special. " With those words spoken, he reaches into his pocket pulling out what looks like a small box made out of wood covered by intricate carvings along its sides. As soon as he places this object onto the ground next to him, light begins emanating from within causing everything around them to glow brighter than ever before!

It seems like magic has taken place here today because suddenly there appears another person standing beside them both - only instead of being human looking creature; this newcomer resembles more like some sort of mythical creature with wings spread wide open above their heads! This must surely mean good luck coming our way since no one else would dare enter such sacred grounds without permission first given by someone who knows better about these things...

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