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4:55:18 PM
photo images - a camera with a red heart on the back of it and a black background with a red heart on the back, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
photo images - a camera with a red heart on the back of it and a black background with a red heart on the back, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
Pertanyaan: CAMARA EN FORMA DE CORAZON DE COLOR ROJO Y NEGROUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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AI Content Creator: a camera with a red heart on

The scene opens up to a dark room where there are only two objects in sight - a camera and a black background. The camera has a red heart painted on its body while the background has a similar design. Suddenly, the door opens and a man walks into the room carrying a box full of cameras.

He sets them down on the table and begins to examine each one carefully. After a few minutes, he picks out the one with the red heart and places it on top of the other cameras. As he does so, the camera comes alive and starts to glow brightly.

It then emits a loud noise which startles him but also intrigues him at the same time. Curious about what this new technology could do, he takes the camera outside and snaps some pictures using his phone as a remote control. To his surprise, the photos come out looking like they were taken by someone who had been standing right next to him!

This discovery leads him to wonder if these cameras can be used for more than just taking pictures; perhaps they have some sort of magical powers too? With this thought in mind, he decides to take another picture...

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