
change pictures: a dark man in shiny black knight armor with sword in scabbard, specter, by Peter gric, bli Hihnala, dark souls, male Knight,

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12:57:51 AM
pixel to inches conversion - a man in armor holding a sword in a dark castle setting with a dark sky behind him and a dark sky behind him, by Kentaro Miura
pixel to inches conversion - a man in armor holding a sword in a dark castle setting with a dark sky behind him and a dark sky behind him, by Kentaro Miura
Pertanyaan: a dark+ man in shiny black+ knight armor with sword in scabbard, specter, by Peter gric, bli Hihnala, dark souls, male Knight, Ghost, wraith, smog, glowing green core on armor, green flames, (silver armor highly detailed patterns on armor), (a dragon's armor, a dragon's helmet) glowing green eyes, (demon's souls penetrator) , dark, w body fits into the image, menacing, ominous, looking at something in the distance, darkness, full body visible, anor londo, dragon's dogma, battle sequence, wings, (flaming blue helmet)Mengingatkan Negatif: poor quality resolution, incoherent, poorly drawn, low quality, bad resolution, deformed, disfigured, disjointed, out of frame, duplicate, watermark, signature, text, ugly, morbid, mutated, deformed, blurry, poor quality resolution, incoherent, poorly drawn, low quality, bad resolution, deformed, disfigured, disjointed, out of frame, duplicate, watermark, signature, text, ugly, morbid, mutated, deformed, blurry, curtain, cape, small breast, deformed hand, deformed ugly face, fat body, anime, cartoon, ecchi, hentai, bad art, strange colors, sketch, lacklustre, repetitive, cropped, old, deformed, childish, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, out of frame, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, disfigured, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, mutated hands, long neck, bad composition, compressed, low quality, text, watermark, cropped, worst quality, asymmetrical eyes, split images, ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, ugly face, deformed legs, deformed hand, sad face, shirt, blouse, Ukuran Gambar: 1024x1024Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: RealistisGaya: SinematikGaya: SihirGaya: HDR
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Intelligent OCR System: a man in armor holding a sword

The scene opens up to reveal a dark figure standing tall in his shining black armor. The silhouette of the knight stands out against the backdrop of a gloomy night sky as he holds his sword tightly in its sheath. His face remains hidden from view but one can sense a strong presence radiating from within.

As the camera pans around, it captures the details of the knight’s armor which are intricate and well crafted. From the silver patterns adorned across the chest plate to the ornate designs etched onto the shoulder guards, every aspect of this warrior’s attire speaks volumes about his dedication and skill. As the viewer takes in these sights, they notice a small yet powerful light emanating from somewhere deep inside the knight’s armor.

It appears to be some sort of energy source that keeps him going even when all hope seems lost. This mysterious force also gives off a faint glow that illuminates the surrounding area just enough so that one can make out shapes and objects in the background. Suddenly, the knight turns towards something unseen and begins to move forward slowly while keeping his gaze fixed ahead.

He walks through thick fog that envelopes everything around him like a shroud of death. Despite being surrounded by such darkness, however, there is still a sense of purposefulness in each step taken by the knight. As he continues walking deeper into the misty abyss, the camera zooms in closer to capture more detail of what lies beyond.

Suddenly, a bright flash of green lights up the screen followed by a loud roar echoing throughout the surroundings. A large creature emerges from the depths of the fog – a monstrous dragon whose fierce red eyes burn with rage and fury. Without hesitation, the knight draws his sword from its sheath and charges headfirst towards the beast.

In a matter of seconds, both combatants engage in a deadly duel that leaves no room for error or mistakes. Swords clash together as they fight furiously until finally, after several minutes have passed, the dragon falls victim to the knight’s superior skills and strength. The camera then cuts away from the scene showing only the defeated dragon lying motionless on the ground.

With victory secured, the knight turns around once again and looks straight into the camera before disappearing into thin air leaving nothing but smoke and dust behind.

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