
convert photo size: Asian woman,purple undergarments, standing next to window, looking forward, D cup cleavage, silver stainless steel ring on left

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5:17:45 PM
how to increase image resolution - a woman in a purple bra and panties posing for a picture in a window sill with a window behind her, by Terada Katsuya
how to increase image resolution - a woman in a purple bra and panties posing for a picture in a window sill with a window behind her, by Terada Katsuya
Pertanyaan: Asian woman,purple undergarments, standing next to window, looking forward, D cup cleavage, silver stainless steel ring on left hand, brown hair, full body,plumpUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Anime
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Intelligent Text Generation System: a woman in a purple bra and

The scene opens up at a high-end fashion show where models are strutting down the runway wearing the latest trends from top designers. In the middle of it all stands one model who seems to stand out among them all - she's Asian, dressed in a purple bra and panties, and has a plump figure. Her name is Jane Doe, but everyone knows her as "the girl in the purple lingerie.

" Jane has been working hard to make it big in this industry since she was just a teenager. She started off small by doing local gigs before making her way into bigger shows like this one. But even though she's made it far, there's still something missing from her life - love.

That's why when she sees a man across the room, she can't help but feel drawn towards him. He's tall, dark, and handsome, and he looks like he could be interested in her too. So without hesitation, she walks over to him and introduces herself.

"Hi," she says shyly. "I'm Jane Doe. I saw you watching me backstage and thought maybe we should talk?

" He smiles warmly at her and takes her hand in his own. "My name is John Smith," he replies. "And yes, I would love to get to know you better.

" From then on, they spend every free moment together talking about their dreams and aspirations. They share stories about how they got here and what brought them to this point in their lives. And soon enough, they fall head over heels in love with each other.

But things take a turn for the worse when Jane finds out that John isn't actually a designer or someone involved in the fashion world at all. Instead, he works as a photographer and had taken pictures of her during the show earlier today. At first, Jane is furious.

How dare he use her image without permission? But after some time, she realizes that perhaps there's more to this than meets the eye. Maybe he didn't mean any harm by taking those photos; maybe he simply wanted to capture her beauty and grace.

So instead of getting angry, Jane decides to give him another chance. After all, she loves him deeply and wants nothing more than to see him happy. And so, she agrees to pose for him again, only this time, she makes sure to smile brightly and look straight into the camera.

And as she does so, she thinks to herself... maybe someday, these images will become famous and people around the world will recognize her for being the beautiful woman in purple lingerie.

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