
convert to image: dark green modern sports car driving down a city street, symmetrical, 3/4 view.

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10:48:54 PM
lower res - a green sports car driving down a street next to tall buildings and a clock tower in the distance with a sky background, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
lower res - a green sports car driving down a street next to tall buildings and a clock tower in the distance with a sky background, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
Pertanyaan: dark green modern sports car driving down a city street, symmetrical, 3/4 view.Mengingatkan Negatif: asymmetrical, bad lines, bad geometry, blurry, front view.Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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AI for Image to Text Recognition: a green sports car driving down a

The dark green modern sports car drives through the busy streets of New York City at night. The driver looks confident as they navigate their way around other vehicles while keeping up with traffic. As they pass by skyscrapers and landmarks like the Empire State Building and Times Square, it's clear this isn't just any ordinary ride - it's a luxury vehicle designed specifically for speed and style.

With its sleek lines and aerodynamic design, this car is sure to turn heads wherever it goes. But tonight, there's something different about this drive... As the car approaches a red light, suddenly, out of nowhere, a mysterious figure appears from behind one of the nearby buildings.

Dressed all in black, he stands still as if frozen in time, his eyes fixed on the driver. Suddenly, without warning, the man leaps forward and grabs hold of the door handle! In a flash, he pulls himself inside the car and slams the door shut before anyone can react.

Now trapped, the driver frantically tries to escape but finds themselves unable to move. It's too late; the intruder has taken control of the wheel and begins accelerating towards the nearest bridge. With no choice left, the driver desperately reaches for their phone to call for help.

But even as they dial, they realize that it's already too late. They have been kidnapped by a masked assailant who plans to use them as bait to lure unsuspecting victims into a trap. And so, as the car speeds across the bridge, the fate of those unlucky enough to cross paths with these criminals remains unknown....

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