
free 300dpi images: goblin goblin

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8:26:53 AM
best ai image app - a painting of a troll with big horns and a green outfit on a grassy area with trees in the background, by Daniela Uhlig
best ai image app - a painting of a troll with big horns and a green outfit on a grassy area with trees in the background, by Daniela Uhlig
Pertanyaan: goblin goblinUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: RealistisGaya: Sinematik
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Image to Text Machine Learning: a painting of a troll with big

The scene depicted in this picture is set in a magical forest where fairies and elves live peacefully alongside humans who have come to visit their world. The troll, whose name is Goblin, has been living here since he was born. He is known as one of the most powerful creatures in the land due to his strength and agility.

His large horns are said to be able to detect any danger from miles away while his green attire symbolizes nature's power over him. Goblin lives alone in a cave deep within the forest, but he often comes out to greet visitors who pass by. He enjoys playing games like hide-and-seek with children and telling stories about his adventures.

However, despite being friendly towards others, Goblin can sometimes become moody if someone crosses his path without permission. One day, a group of travelers came across Goblin while exploring the woods. They were fascinated by how different he looked compared to other creatures they had encountered before.

As they approached closer, however, something caught their attention - there seemed to be smoke rising up from behind some nearby rocks! When they investigated further, they discovered what appeared to be a campfire burning brightly inside a small cave. Curious about what could possibly be cooking at such high temperatures underground, they decided to venture deeper into the cavern until suddenly...

they heard a loud roar coming from somewhere above them! It sounded like it was getting louder every second! Just then, a massive creature emerged from the darkness ahead - none other than Goblin himself!

As soon as he saw the intruders, he let out another roar which sent shivers down everyone’s spine. But instead of attacking them right away, he paused momentarily before speaking up again. "What brings you all here?

" he asked sternly yet politely. After explaining themselves briefly, they managed to convince him not only to allow them entry but also share some food with them too! After eating heartily together around the fire pit made by Goblin himself earlier that morning using sticks found scattered throughout the forest floor below ground level; they bid farewell to each other promising never forgetting their encounter ever afterward.

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