
hd images: woman, pale skin, rectangular face, black eyes, black hair, in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed and

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10:18:58 PM
ai text image - a woman in a black dress floating in a pond of water with lily pads on the surface of the water, by Taiyō Matsumoto
ai text image - a woman in a black dress floating in a pond of water with lily pads on the surface of the water, by Taiyō Matsumoto
Pertanyaan: woman, pale skin, rectangular face, black eyes, black hair, in a black dress floating on a black puddle with her legs crossed and her head tilted, black flowers emerge from black puddles, gothic, dark,Mengingatkan Negatif: hat, poorly drawn hands, out of frame, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, obese, unfit body, deformed, disfigured, blurryUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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Intelligent Text Processing: a woman in a black dress floating

The scene depicted in this image is one of mystery and intrigue. A young woman stands atop a black puddle, her long black dress flowing around her as she gazes into the distance. Her pale complexion contrasts sharply against the darkness of the surrounding environment, creating a sense of otherworldliness.

The black puddle itself seems to be alive, with small black flowers sprouting up from its surface like mushrooms. It's clear that something sinister lies beneath the surface of this seemingly innocuous body of water. As the viewer looks closer, they can see that there are no ripples on the surface of the puddle - it appears to have been frozen in time.

This adds to the air of suspense and uncertainty surrounding the scene. Who is this mysterious figure? What secrets does she hold within her grasp?

Only time will tell...

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