
high quality image: Italian ,50 ,hot fat giant ,big surprise face,yellow pink leather dress,living room,sungles ,bigger deep cleavage out

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11:53:56 PM
image from text ai - a woman in a pink dress posing for a picture in a living room with a couch and a tv, by Studio Ghibli
image from text ai - a woman in a pink dress posing for a picture in a living room with a couch and a tv, by Studio Ghibli
Pertanyaan: Italian ,50 ,hot fat giant ,big surprise face,yellow pink leather dress,living room,sungles ,bigger deep cleavage outUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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Image to Text Machine Learning: a woman in a pink dress posing

The scene opens up to a luxurious Italian villa, where a beautiful young lady dressed in a yellow pink leather dress stands before a large window overlooking the lush gardens outside. She strikes a pose as she holds her sunglasses in one hand while adjusting her hair with the other. The camera zooms in on her stunning features - big brown eyes framed by long eyelashes, full lips, and a perfectly sculpted nose.

Her skin glows from within, radiating health and vitality. As the photographer snaps away, the lady smiles brightly at him, revealing a set of dazzling white teeth. Suddenly, there's a loud knock on the door, startling both parties.

A man enters the room, carrying a tray filled with champagne glasses and chocolates. He sets it down on the coffee table and bows politely towards the lady. "Good evening, Signora," he says in his thick accent.

"I hope you enjoy your stay here. " The lady nods graciously and takes a glass of champagne from the tray. Just then, the phone rings, interrupting their moment.

It's the photographer again, calling to say that they have just received an order for another image. Without hesitation, the lady agrees to take off her dress and strike yet another pose. This time, however, she opts for something more casual - a simple black tank top and jeans.

With a wry smile, she turns back to the photographer and asks if he has any requests.

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