
increase resolution of image: womans belly inflating into a blueberry.

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3:49:38 AM
image resolution enhancer - a woman in a purple outfit holding a bowling ball and a bowling ball in her hand and a bowling ball in her other hand, by Terada Katsuya
image resolution enhancer - a woman in a purple outfit holding a bowling ball and a bowling ball in her hand and a bowling ball in her other hand, by Terada Katsuya
Pertanyaan: womans belly inflating into a blueberry.Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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AI-based Image to Text Translation: a woman in a purple outfit holding

The scene opens up to a brightly lit room filled with colorful decorations and balloons. In the center of it all stands a young woman dressed in a purple dress and matching shoes. She has a big smile on her face as she holds two bowling balls in each hand.

The air around her seems to be thickening as if something magical were about to happen. Suddenly, there's a loud pop sound followed by a burst of light. When everything settles down again, we see that the woman's stomach has transformed into a giant blueberry!

It looks like someone just took a bite out of it. The woman gasps in surprise but quickly regains composure. "Wow!

" she exclaims. "I didn't know I could do this. " She then turns towards the camera and says, "This is what happens when you mix magic and technology together.

Who knows what else can be created? " With that, she throws one of the bowling balls at the wall behind her which shatters upon impact. As the dust clears, we see that the wall has been replaced with a huge screen displaying the words 'Welcome to the future'.

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