
low quality picture: granny

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1:46:49 AM
best ai text to image generator - an old woman with glasses sitting on a couch with her hands folded out and looking at the camera with a serious look on her face, by Alec Soth
best ai text to image generator - an old woman with glasses sitting on a couch with her hands folded out and looking at the camera with a serious look on her face, by Alec Soth
Pertanyaan: grannyUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler a
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AI-powered Copywriting: an old woman with glasses sitting on

Granny's Story: Once upon a time there lived a kindhearted grandmother named Granny who loved to spend quality time with her family. One day she decided to take some pictures of herself in front of the fireplace while wearing her favorite sweater. However, when she tried to print them, they came out blurry and unrecognizable.

She couldn't understand why this happened until one day she received a call from a company offering customized photoshoots using AI technology. She agreed to try it out and sent over her picture along with instructions about what she wanted to see in the final product. The team worked hard to create a stunning image of Granny sitting comfortably on her sofa, surrounded by warm lighting and cozy decorations.

They even added a touch of magic to make her eyes sparkle like diamonds! When Granny saw the finished product, she was speechless. It looked exactly as if she had taken the picture herself - only better!

From then on, she became a regular customer of the company and recommended their services to all her friends and family members. And every time someone asked how she managed to capture such beautiful images, she would simply say "It's magic!

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