
merge images online: beautiful, female, goblin, long red hair, red eyes, skin emerald green, are dark green, voluptuous body, huge , very small

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make picture higher resolution - a woman dressed in green and red with a green sword in her hand and a green light in her other hand, by Masaaki Sasamoto
make picture higher resolution - a woman dressed in green and red with a green sword in her hand and a green light in her other hand, by Masaaki Sasamoto
Pertanyaan: beautiful, female, goblin, long red hair, red eyes, skin emerald green, are dark green, voluptuous body, huge , very small waist, wide hips, big , face beautiful, ShortstackMengingatkan Negatif: uglyUkuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Anime
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Artificial Intelligence Writing Tool: a woman dressed in green and red

Once upon a time, there lived a young girl named Red Hair who had always dreamed of becoming a great warrior like her father. She spent most of her days training with her sword and learning new spells from her mother's book. One day, she decided to go out into the forest to test herself against some real enemies.

As she walked through the trees, she came across a clearing where a group of goblins were gathered around a fire. Without hesitation, she charged towards them, swinging her sword wildly at their heads. The goblins screamed as they tried to defend themselves but it was no use.

In just a few minutes, all of them lay dead on the ground. Red Hair stood over them triumphantly, feeling more confident than ever before. But then, something caught her eye - a strange looking creature standing behind one of the fallen goblins.

It looked like a human, except its skin was green and its eyes were red. "Who are you? " asked Red Hair, unsure if this being could be trusted.

"I am Green Eyes," said the creature, bowing respectfully. "And I have come here to offer my services to you. " With that, he pulled out his own sword and began to fight alongside Red Hair, helping her defeat even stronger foes.

From that day forward, Red Hair became known as Long Red Hair, the fearless warrior who never backed down from a challenge. And together, she and Green Eyes fought many battles, protecting the people of the land from evil forces both within and without.

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