
photo size converter: A magician's men with long black hair and wearing a purple metallic suit prepare a fireball with his dragon's stick. There is

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2:00:41 PM
how do i improve the quality of a photo - a man in a purple outfit holding a purple dragon wand and a purple dragon on his arm, with a mountain in the background, by Baiōken Eishun
how do i improve the quality of a photo - a man in a purple outfit holding a purple dragon wand and a purple dragon on his arm, with a mountain in the background, by Baiōken Eishun
Pertanyaan: A magician's men with long black hair and wearing a purple metallic suit prepare a fireball with his dragon's stick. There is forest and mountain in background.Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: Realistis
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Intelligent Image to Text Conversion: a man in a purple outfit holding

The scene opens up to reveal a group of wizards gathered around a large table covered in various potions and spells. The leader of this coven, dressed in a purple robe adorned with gold embroidery, stands at the center of the room as he prepares to cast a spell. He holds a staff made from a rare type of wood known only to those who practice magic.

As he begins to chant, a bright light fills the air, causing everyone present to gasp in amazement. Suddenly, a small flame appears in one corner of the room, growing larger by the second until it becomes a towering inferno. With a wave of his hand, the leader summons forth a mighty dragon, which materializes before them.

The creature is massive, its scales shimmering like diamonds under the light of the blazing fire. Its wings beat furiously as it circles above their heads, emitting a deafening roar. The wizard smiles triumphantly as he gestures towards the dragon, commanding it to perform a feat of great power.

The beast obeys without hesitation, unleashing a stream of fire that engulfs everything within reach. In mere moments, the entire room has been reduced to ash and rubble. The wizards stand dumbfounded, stunned by what they have just witnessed.

But there are no survivors - not even the dragon itself. It seems that the price of such power is too high...

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