
pixel wallpaper 4k: heaven on earth, roads of gold, floating islands with waterfalls, birds in distance, surrounded by high mountains, huge trees,

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3:39:22 AM
ai text image generator - a painting of a waterfall and a tree in the middle of a mountain range with a waterfall in the middle of the picture, by Evgeni Gordiets
ai text image generator - a painting of a waterfall and a tree in the middle of a mountain range with a waterfall in the middle of the picture, by Evgeni Gordiets
Pertanyaan: heaven on earth, roads of gold, floating islands with waterfalls, birds in distance, surrounded by high mountains, huge trees, and foilage, looking up.Ukuran Gambar: 512x512Ubin: tidak hadirTeknik pengambilan sampel: Euler aGaya: RealistisGaya: Pixel
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AI Text Generation Software: a painting of a waterfall and a

The scene depicted here looks like heaven itself! The golden road leads to a beautiful island covered in lush greenery and cascading waterfalls. As you walk along this pathway, you can hear the soothing sound of rushing waters from afar.

On closer inspection, you notice that these are not just any ordinary waterfalls but ones that seem to be suspended mid-air. It's as if they were painted onto the canvas right before your eyes. You take a moment to admire their beauty while taking in the breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains.

Their peaks reach towards the sky, creating a majestic backdrop for the entire landscape. But what really catches your attention is the towering trees that stand tall and proudly amidst all this natural splendor. They appear to have been there since time immemorial, witnessing every single event unfold around them.

And yet, despite being rooted firmly into the ground, they still manage to sway gently in the wind, adding to the overall sense of serenity pervading the place. This must surely be paradise indeed!

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