
8k photos: Brazilian curvaceous smiling brunette female doctor on waterfall on the jungle huggung with nurse, very realistic and natural

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3:53:31 PM
translate image online - a woman in a shiny gold outfit posing for a picture in front of a waterfall with a waterfall in the background, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
translate image online - a woman in a shiny gold outfit posing for a picture in front of a waterfall with a waterfall in the background, by Hendrik van Steenwijk I
Dotaz: Brazilian curvaceous smiling brunette female doctor on waterfall on the jungle huggung with nurse, very realistic and natural face , long fluffy hair, very realistic and natural face , very realistic and natural face , cleavage, very realistic and natural face , big thighs and wide hips, very realistic and natural face , ultra shiny quilted latex/silk moncler light brown form fitting open puffa jacket with zipper, shiny latex&plastic/silk/satin very loosefit joggers,Negativní Podnět: ugly, low resolution, kids, child, man, extra limbVelikost obrázku: 768x1024Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: DDIM
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Automated Content Creation AI: a woman in a shiny gold outfit

The scene opens up to a lush green forest surrounded by towering mountains. A beautiful Brazilian curvy brunette doctor stands atop a rock formation overlooking the breathtaking view below her feet. She wears a stunning golden dress that flows effortlessly as she takes in the scenery around her.

Her long flowing locks are tied back into a ponytail, accentuating her gorgeous features. As she looks down towards the river below, she spots two nurses standing nearby. They smile warmly at each other before one of them approaches the doctor.

"Good morning Dr. Maria! How's your day going?

" The nurse asks cheerfully. "It's been great so far," replies the doctor. "I just finished my shift at the hospital earlier today.

" The nurse nods enthusiastically. "That's wonderful! " she exclaims.

"We were hoping you could take some time off from work to come here and pose for us. " The doctor raises an eyebrow curiously. "Pose?

For what exactly? " she inquires. "Well, we need someone to model our new line of medical scrubs," explains the nurse.

"And since you're such a fashion icon among your colleagues, we thought you would be perfect for the job. " The doctor chuckles softly. "You flatter me too much," she says modestly.

But then she notices something behind the camera. It's another nurse who has been taking pictures of their conversation. "Oh, I see.

Well, if it will help promote the brand, I suppose I can oblige. " With that, the doctor turns around and strikes a few poses while the photographer snaps away. After a few minutes, they wrap things up and head back inside the hospital where the doctor resumes her duties.

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