
ai created image: dark eyes marco reviews, long hair tom cruise lookalike hanging out in front of the car rav4 building, wearing armor, chrome,

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text to picture ai - a man in a costume standing next to a car in a city street with a chain around his neck, by Kent Monkman
text to picture ai - a man in a costume standing next to a car in a city street with a chain around his neck, by Kent Monkman
Dotaz: dark eyes marco reviews, long hair tom cruise lookalike hanging out in front of the car rav4 building, wearing armor, chrome, rhinestone, full body, wearing round crystal medallionVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Akvarel
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Automated Content Creation AI: a man in a costume standing next

The scene opens up as Marco, a dark-eyed man, stands outside a Rav4 building, dressed in a sleek black suit and holding a briefcase. He looks like he's just come from work but something seems off about him - there's a sense of urgency in his stance and a glint in his eye. As if sensing someone watching him, he turns towards the camera and smiles.

Suddenly, Tom Cruise appears behind him, looking exactly like the actor himself. But this isn't Hollywood - it's real life! The two men exchange a knowing glance before Tom reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device.

With a flick of his wrist, he activates it and a bright light shines down onto them both. Marco gasps at the sight of the image being projected onto their bodies - they are now clones of themselves, complete with identical features and mannerisms. They stand side by side, admiring each other's likeness until suddenly, Tom speaks up.

"I have a job for you," he says, gesturing towards the car parked across the road. "What kind of job? " asks Marco, intrigued.

Tom grins mischievously. "A little bit of fun. " And with that, he leads Marco over to the vehicle where a woman waits inside.

She's dressed all in white, her hair flowing freely around her face. Her expression is one of pure innocence, but she has a secret smile playing at the corner of her lips. As Marco approaches the car, he can feel the tension between them growing stronger.

It's clear that whatever happens next will be anything but ordinary. Suddenly, the door swings open and Tom steps forward, pulling Marco inside. Before either of them can react, however, the car takes off, speeding through the streets of the city.

They drive for miles without saying a word, the only sound coming from the engine roaring beneath them. Finally, after what feels like hours, the car comes to a stop in a secluded area surrounded by trees. Marco gets out first, followed closely by Tom.

Once they reach the edge of the forest, they find themselves facing a large stone structure covered in vines and ivy. A sign hangs above the entrance, reading 'Welcome to the Temple of Pleasure'. Without hesitation, Tom walks straight past the gate and disappears into the darkness beyond.

Marco follows close behind, wondering what could possibly lie within such a place. As they make their way deeper into the temple, they pass room after room filled with various forms of pleasure - from erotic artwork to orgiastic rituals. Each time they enter a new chamber, they encounter more and more people engaging in acts of debauchery.

Finally, they arrive at the center of the complex, where a massive statue looms overhead. On its pedestal sits a golden idol, glowing with power. This must be the source of the temple's pleasures, thought Marco.

But then, he noticed something strange - the idol seemed to be moving, almost as though it were alive. Intrigued, he stepped closer to investigate when suddenly, a voice spoke up from behind him. "You seek knowledge, young man?

Then let me teach you a lesson...

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