
ai created image: superman powering up at a yellow star

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1:53:21 PM
convert image to hd - a man in a superman suit with a lightning bolt in his hand and a blue sky behind him with clouds, by François Quesnel
convert image to hd - a man in a superman suit with a lightning bolt in his hand and a blue sky behind him with clouds, by François Quesnel
Dotaz: superman powering up at a yellow starVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Machine Generated Text: a man in a superman suit with

Superman Powering Up At A Yellow Star The Man In The Superman Suit With A Lightning Bolt In His Hand And A Blue Sky Behind Him With Clouds As he stood there, gazing into space, he could feel the energy coursing through his veins. He had been training hard to master this new ability - the ability to generate electricity from thin air! It wasn't easy, but after months of practice, he finally managed it.

Now, as he stood before the yellow sun, he felt its warmth radiating through him, giving him even more strength. With a mighty roar, he thrust out his arm, pointing towards the heavens. Suddenly, a bright flash of light erupted from his fist, followed by a loud crackle of thunder.

As the sound died down, he looked around, amazed at what he saw. Everything seemed different now - brighter, sharper, clearer. Even the clouds above were transformed, taking on a deeper hue of blue.

He smiled to himself, knowing that he had just unlocked another level of his powers. This would come in handy when he needed to save the world again...

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