
ai image creator: Indian aunty, thick in saree

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6:34:35 PM
ai created images - a woman in a green outfit holding a lamp and a ball in her hand, sitting on a black background, by Raja Ravi Varma
ai created images - a woman in a green outfit holding a lamp and a ball in her hand, sitting on a black background, by Raja Ravi Varma
Dotaz: Indian aunty, thick in sareeVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Kouzelný
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Artificial Intelligence Text Creation: a woman in a green outfit holding

The Indian Auntie sat cross-legged on a black platform, dressed in a traditional red and gold saree. She held a golden lamp in one hand and a small white ball in another as she gazed into its depths. The room around her was dark, but the light from the lamp illuminated her face, which glowed with serenity.

Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be lost in deep meditation. Suddenly, there was a loud bang outside the window, followed by screaming voices. The auntie's eyes snapped open, and she jumped up, dropping both objects onto the floor.

"What was that? " she asked, looking around frantically. Just then, the door burst open, and several men rushed inside, brandishing guns.

They pointed their weapons at the auntie, who cowered back against the wall. One of them shouted something unintelligible before firing his gun towards the ceiling. The sound of bullets echoed through the room, and the auntie fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wounds.

As the men left, they took the lamp and the ball with them, leaving behind only the lifeless body of the Indian auntie.

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