
ai image upscaler: Buxom pale white woman bending over, hanging over in front of camera, smooth hair, shoulder length hair, luxurious side parted

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1:50:58 AM
ai image generator dall e - a woman with pink hair and a black skirt standing in front of a river with rocks and trees in the background, by Terada Katsuya
ai image generator dall e - a woman with pink hair and a black skirt standing in front of a river with rocks and trees in the background, by Terada Katsuya
Dotaz: Buxom pale white woman bending over, hanging over in front of camera, smooth hair, shoulder length hair, luxurious side parted curved bob hair, round bob hair, light-pink hair, light-pink hair color, ice-blue eyes, dark black eyeliner, dark black eyeshadow, blushing, blush on cheeks, narrow eyes, rounded jaw, smooth jawline, soft cheeks, round chin, narrow nose bridge, narrow shoulders, huge oversized bust, bust hypertrophy, wearing a brown sweater with a white blouse and a black skirt, bust squeezed together, enormous bust larger than head, bending over and revealing huge large bust hanging down, incredibly large bust, looking at camera, teasing smile, camera low to ground, bloom post processing, sharpen image, high resolution, high quality image, blurred background, standing in a park next to a river.Negativní Podnět: large nose, square jaw, pointy chin, poorly lit, muscular, deformed, deformed nipple, multiple limbs, multiple legs, multiple arms, multiple heads, multiple people, wide torso, overweight, obese, small bust, tiny bust, flat bust, fat body, anime, cartoon, bad art, sketch, strange colors, cropped, out of frame, out of focus, low resolution, low quality image, old, childish, ugly, duplicate, morbid, mutilated, mutated, extra fingers, extra hand, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn bust, poorly drawn bust, missing arm, missing leg, missing eye, blurry, long neck, bad composition, compressed, compressed image, low quality, text, watermark, worst quality, bad quality, jpeg artifacts, grain, grainy image, tiling, bad anatomy, signature, vut off, disfigured face, disfigured body, fat belly, sad face, brown eyes, green eyes, small hips, narrow hips, wide waist, large waist, thin thighs, saggy bustVelikost obrázku: 768x1024Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: RealistickéStyl: FilmovýStyl: HDR
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AI-based Image to Text Translation: a woman with pink hair and a

The picture shows a beautiful young lady with long wavy hair, who seems to be enjoying herself as she stands by the edge of a river. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless top and a short black skirt which accentuates her curves perfectly. She has a radiant face with rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes that seem to sparkle underneath her thick lashes.

The photographer must have taken this shot from below eye level because it gives us a unique perspective of how tall she really is compared to the surrounding scenery. It's clear that she takes pride in her body and loves showing off what nature gave her.

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