
ai makes images: bigtall woman

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6:05:57 AM
4k quality photo converter - a woman with long black hair and a uniform on is standing in front of a building with a blue sky, by Hanabusa Itchō
4k quality photo converter - a woman with long black hair and a uniform on is standing in front of a building with a blue sky, by Hanabusa Itchō
Dotaz: bigtall womanVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: RealistickéStyl: Anime
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AI Writing Assistant: a woman with long black hair and

The big tall woman stood proudly before her fellow officers as they gathered outside their headquarters. She wore a crisp white shirt underneath her navy blue jacket, which matched perfectly with her dark brown pants. Her name tag read "Officer Smith" and she had been working at this station for over ten years now.

As she looked around at all the other officers who were present, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in herself and what she represented - law enforcement. Suddenly, there was a commotion from inside one of the nearby buildings. A loud bang echoed throughout the area followed by screams coming from within.

Officer Smith immediately ran towards it without hesitation. When she arrived at the scene, she saw several people lying on the ground covered in blood. One man was holding his stomach while another lay motionless next to him.

It seemed like someone had just shot up the place! Without thinking twice about it, Officer Smith drew her weapon and approached the shooters cautiously. They both turned around when they heard footsteps approaching them, revealing two men dressed head-to-toe in black clothing with ski masks covering their faces.

The taller one raised his gun towards her while the shorter one aimed his own firearm at her partner who was still trying to tend to those wounded civilians behind her back. In an instant, Officer Smith fired off three rounds into each of these criminals' chests before they could even react. Their bodies fell limp onto the floor as if they were made out of stone statues instead of flesh and blood.

With no more threats left alive, Officer Smith helped her colleagues carry away any survivors while also making sure not to leave anyone else unattended until medical personnel arrived on site. As soon as everything calmed down again after such chaos ensued earlier today, Officer Smith took some time alone near where she killed those dangerous individuals so she could reflect upon how lucky everyone was that day because things could have gone much worse than they did given how quickly events unfolded right before her eyes...

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