
ai photo website: kendra, big,

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4:17:01 AM
ai that generates images - a character in a blue armor with a sword in his hand and a sword in his hand, standing in a city, by Baiōken Eishun
ai that generates images - a character in a blue armor with a sword in his hand and a sword in his hand, standing in a city, by Baiōken Eishun
Dotaz: kendra, big,Velikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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AI for Image to Text Recognition: a character in a blue armor with

Kendra stood tall in her blue armor as she surveyed the bustling streets of the city below. She had been sent here to investigate reports of strange activity, but so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As Kendra continued down the street, she noticed a group of people gathered around a large building.

Curious, she approached them and asked what they were doing there. "We're waiting for someone," one man replied. "Who are you waiting for?

" Kendra asked. The man smiled and pointed at the sky above them. "The hero we've all been waiting for.

" Kendra raised an eyebrow. "And who might that be? " he said.

Just then, from high up in the clouds came a loud roar. A figure appeared, flying towards them at breakneck speed. It was none other than Big, the legendary warrior known throughout the land!

He swooped down into the crowd, landing gracefully next to Kendra. "I heard about your mission," he said. "Let me help you.

" With that, Big drew his sword and charged into battle against the forces of evil that lurked within the city walls. Together, Kendra and Big fought bravely until finally, victory was theirs. And when it was over, everyone knew - this was indeed the hero they had been waiting for...

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