
ai that create images: flower

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1:11:18 PM
free high resolution images - a vase filled with red flowers on top of a table next to a white wall and a green plant, by Frédéric Bazille
free high resolution images - a vase filled with red flowers on top of a table next to a white wall and a green plant, by Frédéric Bazille
Dotaz: flowerVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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Intelligent Image to Text Conversion: a vase filled with red flowers on

The room was bathed in soft light as the sun shone through the window. The air was fragrant with the scent of freshly cut roses filling the space. A vase filled with red flowers sat atop a table near a white wall and a green plant.

It seemed like a perfect setting for a romantic dinner. As she walked into the room, her eyes were drawn to the beautiful bouquet. She couldn't help but smile as she took it from its place on the table and placed it carefully in front of herself.

As she admired the blooms, she noticed something strange about them - they weren't real! Instead, they had been created using advanced technology by a company called "Fake Flowers". She reached out and touched one of the petals gently, marveling at how lifelike it felt.

But then, suddenly, everything changed. The flowers began to move, twisting and turning until they formed a shape that looked eerily familiar... a face?

Yes, there was no doubt about it now - these were not just any old artificial flowers; they were alive! And they wanted revenge. Without warning, the flowers sprang forward, their thorns piercing deep into her skin.

She cried out in pain as blood poured down her arms and legs. Her cries went unheard as the flowers continued their assault, tearing apart her clothes and leaving her naked and bleeding on the floor. It was only when she managed to stumble towards the door that she realized what had happened.

Fearfully, she peered outside, expecting to see the horrific scene repeated again. To her relief, all was quiet. She collapsed onto the ground, exhausted and terrified.

But even though she knew she should be safe now, she could still feel the presence of those deadly flowers lurking nearby. They would never let her forget this nightmare.

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