
best ai photo: Indian aunty , 50 thick big

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6:33:17 PM
turn a picture into high resolution - a woman in a green and red outfit sitting on a red mat with a pot of tea in her hand, by Raja Ravi Varma
turn a picture into high resolution - a woman in a green and red outfit sitting on a red mat with a pot of tea in her hand, by Raja Ravi Varma
Dotaz: Indian aunty , 50 thick big Velikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Kouzelný
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AI Text: a woman in a green and red

Once upon a time, there lived an Indian auntie named Mrs. Sharma who had just turned fifty years old. She was known to be very kindhearted and generous towards everyone she met.

One day, while preparing lunch at home, she decided to take a break from cooking and sit down on her favorite red mat. As she sat there sipping some hot tea, she noticed something strange about herself - her face looked different! It seemed as if someone had taken a picture of her without her knowing it.

But instead of being upset by this discovery, Mrs. Sharma smiled happily because she knew that this meant that she would soon receive many compliments from friends and family members alike. And sure enough, when they saw the picture, they all praised how beautifully she looked despite having reached such an age.

From then onwards, whenever anyone asked what made her look so young even after turning fifty, Mrs. Sharma simply replied "I'm blessed!

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