
best text-to-image ai: fat farmer woman

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11:21:48 PM
4k picture resolution converter - a woman with a backpack on her shoulder standing in a field of crops with a large belly and a hat on, by Fernando Botero
4k picture resolution converter - a woman with a backpack on her shoulder standing in a field of crops with a large belly and a hat on, by Fernando Botero
Dotaz: fat farmer womanVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Anime
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Text Synthesis AI: a woman with a backpack on her

The sun beamed down upon the fields as the fat farmer woman made her way through them. She had been working hard all day to ensure that everything was ready for harvest season. Her stomach rumbled loudly as she walked, but she ignored it and continued on.

Suddenly, she heard something behind her - a rustling sound. She turned around quickly, but there was nothing there. The noise came again, louder this time.

She looked up into the sky and saw a plane flying overhead. As the plane got closer, she could see that it was carrying a banner reading "Fake News". Confused, she watched as the plane flew over her head and disappeared from view.

She shook her head in disbelief at what she had just witnessed. Was this some kind of joke? Or did someone really think they could fool people like this?

Either way, she knew one thing for sure - she wasn't going to let anyone get away with spreading false information about her farm.

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