
convert photo to picture: obese man man who weighs 600 pounds at the pool

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7:17:48 PM
ai generated images from text - a fat man standing in front of a swimming pool with a large belly and a blue shirt on his shirt, by Botero
ai generated images from text - a fat man standing in front of a swimming pool with a large belly and a blue shirt on his shirt, by Botero
Dotaz: obese man man who weighs 600 pounds at the poolVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler aStyl: Realistické
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AI Text Crafting: a fat man standing in front of

The obese man named John had been struggling to lose weight for years. He tried various diets and exercise regimens but nothing seemed to work. Finally, he decided to take matters into his own hands by hiring a personal trainer.

The trainer recommended that John start going to the local gym where they could design a customized fitness plan just for him. After months of hard work, John started seeing results. His body began to tone up and he lost over 100 pounds!

But one day while working out at the gym, something unexpected happened...

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