
convert pic: Beautiful Princess, long hair

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10:24:34 AM
ai image generation - a young girl dressed in a blue dress and tiara with long hair, wearing a tiara and holding a hand out, by Chen Daofu
ai image generation - a young girl dressed in a blue dress and tiara with long hair, wearing a tiara and holding a hand out, by Chen Daofu
Dotaz: Beautiful Princess, long hairVelikost obrázku: 512x512Dlaždice: nepřítomnostTechniky odběru vzorků: Euler a
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AI-powered Text Synthesis: a young girl dressed in a blue

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Elsa who had long blonde locks. She wore a stunning blue gown adorned with sparkling jewels and held her hands out to greet everyone she met. One day, while walking through the castle gardens, Elsa came across a magical fountain where a mysterious figure appeared from nowhere.

The figure offered to grant one wish to anyone who dared ask it. Without hesitation, Elsa asked if they could create a picture of herself as a fairytale character. With a wave of their wand, the figure transformed into a photographer and took several pictures of Elsa posing in different scenarios.

As soon as the photos were taken, the figure disappeared just as quickly as it arrived. Elsa couldn't believe how lucky she was to have such a unique experience! From then on, whenever someone wanted to take a picture of themselves looking like a fairytale character, all they needed to do was visit the enchanted fountain and make a wish.

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